Male' City Council Website
Male' City Council
Design of UI/UX, Development of website Front-end. Content Management System.
The Male' City Council is an independent and autonomous body that derives its legal authority from the Decentralisation Act (Law no. 7/2010) of the Maldives. Empowered to own property and to incur liabilities, the Council has devolved powers of self governance and decision making, as well as financial autonomy. With the ratification of the Act, all functions and assets of the former Male' Municipality were transferred to the Male' City Council. The Council is mandated to provide democratic and accountable governance, foster social and economic well-being and community development, and establish a safe, healthy and ecologically diverse environment. The top-most priority of the Council is to enable the housing needs of the people. The objectives of the Council will be achieved by formulating carefully-designed and broadly-consulted plans, the implementation of identified milestones in these plans, and through the allocation of appropriate budgets for such programmes and projects. All regulations that enable the achievement of these objectives will be drawn up and implemented by the Council.

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